Media Releases| Oct 13, 2021

Following season one’s success, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s adolescent rendition,Young Rock is returning to Queensland once again.

Season two of NBC Universal’s hit TV show will inject more than AU$47 million into the Australian economy. Young Rock is supported through the Morrison Government’s Location Incentive program, with a grant of AU$6.3 million investment toward this US production’s costs.

The Location Incentive program continues to boost the Australian economy by attracting film & TV production to Australian shores. The Hon. Paul Fletcher MP, Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts said:

“The Young Rock sequel is providing employment for more than 300 Australian cast and crew, and more than 1,200 Australian extras. NBCUniversal continuing their pipeline of work in Australia, including La BreaJoe Exotic and Irreverent, is a testament to our talented screen sector. “

“This steady line of work means crews that worked on Young Rock Season one will be able to return to season two in senior roles with increasingly prominent international credits.”  Minister Fletcher said.

YOUNG ROCK “Working The Gimmick”. Photo by Mark Taylor. Courtesy of Matchbox Pictures and NBCUniversal.

Ausfilm’s CEO, Kate Marks said “It’s thanks to the Australian Government and the Location Incentive program as well as support from state governments that major international projects continue to film in Australia. There are a myriad of benefits for productions to shoot in our country: globally competitive state and federal incentives, our innovative post talent and facilities, our award-winning VFX studios, state of the art sound stages across the country, the mesmerising locations and our top talent of Australian creatives and screen services. We are delighted to welcome NBCU back to Australia and value the partnership they have developed within our industry.”

Production of season one in Queensland saw an estimated AU$33.8 million boost to the economy and created upward of 300 jobs for local cast and crew.

Under the Location Incentive, the Morrison Government has distributed more than AU$256 million to attract 27 international productions to Australia to date. This has generated more than AU$1.98 billion in private investment and provided more than 17,400 employment opportunities for local cast and crew. The Incentive has also created work for over 16,000 businesses which have provided support to these international productions. 

Brisbane’s Screen Queensland Studios fostered production of the first season, with the second season due to film on location around South-East Queensland and at Village Roadshow Studios

Read the Full Media Release from the Minister of Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts.

Featured Image: Young Rock “My Day With Andre” Episode. Photo by Mark Taylor/NBC