News| Sep 28, 2023

CATO Location Services is leading the entertainment industry as the first traffic control company to be carbon neutral certified by Climate Active.

With over a decade of experience specialising in location services and logistics for the entertainment space, CATO delivers innovative and sustainable solutions for environmentally-conscious clients. As of 2021, CATO’s Australian Business Operations have been certified carbon neutral.

Servicing an industry that sends ‘thousands of tons of waste to landfills every year’, CATO’s Managing Director Kieran Cato recognises the need to be a driving force towards environmental sustainability. Continually reducing the business’s impact on the environment is a long-term commitment and remains one of Kieran’s highest priorities for the company, and CATO looks to continually improve and build upon their sustainability efforts. They understand that this is the first step in an ongoing process and welcome any questions and suggestions.

Climate Active’s accreditation is re-assessed on a yearly basis and is obtained by measuring, reducing, and finally offsetting carbon emissions. Working with the offset provider Carbon Neutral Australia, CATO were able to accurately measure and assess their carbon footprint before embarking on a journey of impact reduction. Gaining inspiration from resources such as the Complete Green Service Company Production Manual (from industry-based initiative Green the Bid) CATO implemented a number of changes throughout the business in order to keep carbon emissions as low as possible.

Some of these changes included the introduction of solar panels on traffic fleet and film production vehicles, a new waste disposal system, and a single-use plastic reduction policy. CATO also seeks partnerships and collaborations with like-minded companies and organisations. They have paired up with brands KeepCup and Rolla Bottle to minimise the amount of single-use plastics being used in the day-to-day operations of the business and out on location. Compostable coffee cups and 100% biodegradable water bottles are among some of the other creative solutions which CATO have employed to reach their carbon neutrality goals.

“I’m committed to fostering a company culture that values environmental responsibility. By addressing the issue, spreading awareness and offering solutions, CATO encourages our employees and clients to think and act as sustainably as possible. I feel that this is our corporate responsibility.”

Kieran Cato, Managing Director

To offset all remaining emissions, CATO purchased carbon offsets with Carbon Neutral Australia’s solar power renewable energy project. Kieran was motivated to invest in solar as it establishes the infrastructure for ongoing sources of renewable energy. Having worked with individuals and organisations to reduce their impact on the planet for over 20 years, Carbon Neutral Australia is one of the longest-standing carbon offset providers in the country.

You can read the other initiatives CATO are involved with by visiting their website.