Media Releases| Nov 30, 2018

The US television series, produced by Sony Pictures Television, is coming to Australia for its fourth series and will film in Victoria. The series will inject new money into the Australian economy and substantial employment for the Australian screen industry and its businesses.

Friday 30th November 2018 – Hot on the heels of the recent announcement of the Australian Government’s support, under its Location Incentive, to attract blockbuster Godzilla vs Kong and Disney ABC International’s TV series Reef Break to Queensland; Ausfilm thanks the Australian Government for this initiative and celebrates a further major international production for Australia. 

Debra Richards, CEO of Ausfilm, said “Ausfilm welcomes this decision and announcement by the Minister for Communications & the Arts, Senator the Hon. Mitch Fifield today. Our team was instrumental in securing the series with the production team participating in Ausfilm’s familiarisation program. The team were in Australia for two weeks earlier this year and scouted various locations and sound stages around the country, meeting with crew and Ausfilm members to see if they could make the production work in Australia.”

Of course critical to attracting this international television series was the Government’s new AUD$140million Location Incentive, a merit assessed grant, delivered over four years from 2019 – 20, which complements the Government’s 16.5 percent Location Offset and effectively provides up to a 30 percent tax incentive on eligible productions.“It’s fantastic to see international production spread across the states and regional areas in Australia and is a well-needed boost to the Australian screen industry. In addition to Australia’s domestic television production, an international television production like this series creates consistent and sustainable work for Australia’s crews, technicians, cast, studios, VFX and post-production facilities and all the periphery businesses that benefit from international television series. Importantly it helps to grow the Australian screen industry by creating more jobs and training opportunities.”

Secured by the Victorian government via Film Victoria, Preacher is set to be the biggest budget television production to come to Victoria since Steven Spielberg’s The Pacific (2007).The production schedule for the 10-part series will span seven months in Melbourne and regional Victoria, with pre-production set to commence at Docklands Studios Melbourne before the end of the year. 

Film Victoria CEO Caroline Pitcher said: “We look forward to showcasing the work of our industry internationally, and to seeing Melbourne shine on screens around the world through this series.”  

Docklands Studios Melbourne CEO Rod Allan said: “Large scale productions such as Preacher are a perfect fit for Docklands Studios Melbourne and demonstrate our reputation as a world-class facility. We look forward to welcoming the cast and crew to the studio.”

Read the Film Victoria press release here.

Ausfilm’s research, in partnership with PriceWaterhouseCoopers, on The Value of Global Footloose Production documents the trends and policy measures that shows Australia is not alone, footloose production has delivered positive economic growth in every jurisdiction studied.

To download Ausfilm’s Report on The Value of Global Footloose Production click here.
Media Enquiries: Rachelle Gibson
Director of Marketing & Industry Partnerships
T: + 61 2 9383 4124